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80 Commonwealth Street
Surry Hills, Sydney

Strangers on a Train


"Everyone is a potential murderer..."

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Based on Patricia Highsmith's novel and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, Strangers on a Train is one of the most classic psychological crime thrillers of all time. As you might have guessed from the title, two strangers meet… on a train: Guy Haines (Farley Granger), a young amateur tennis star who wants a new wife and a new career, and Bruno Anthony (Robert Walker) who is nothing much more than a charming sociopath. Recognising Guy, Bruno tells him about his idea of committing a perfect crime and asks him to join him in his double murder plot…

Why See This Film

From the celebrated and studied sunglasses-reflected murder shot to the jaw-dropping chaos of the haywire carousel chase, Strangers on a Train features some of Hitchcock's most astounding signature cinematic flourishes and high-suspense set pieces. The leading trio of Farley Granger, Ruth Roman and Robert Walker are the backbone of this wild thriller – Hitchcock himself noted they saved him "a reel of storytelling time" as each embodies their character perfectly with their presence and mannerisms. Among the clamour of praise, Roger Ebert notes this "first-rate thriller" as one of Hitchcock’s five best films and we couldn't agree more.

Alfred Hitchcock
Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman
101 minutes

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